Domain name registration / web hosting / email
Costs (ex gst)
Domain Name Registration |
from $20 / year |
Web Hosting / 2 email addresses |
from $10 / month |
New business start-ups /
Non profits |
enquire about
our discounts |
- Domain name registration
Choose your web address — this can be your company name, product name, brand name or a combination of these (e.g. Caniwi will register this for you with any of the of the typical extensions — .com / .net / .ca / .info ...
Note: domain names are subject to availability.
- Web hosting
Caniwi provides a full web hosting service - fast, reliable service with large data allowances. Contact us for full details.
- Email
As part of your hosting package, you will receive 5 free email addresses with each domain name registration (e.g. / ...)
- Monthly Logs
As part of your hosting package, Caniwi will provide you with monthly logs detailing your website usage (e.g. page downloads, time on site, the location of your users, traffic sources, keywords users use to find you ...). This type of information provide valuable data on how your website is performing and on how users are interacting with your site.
- Customer Support
If you have any questions or concerns, please just give us a call. We are committed to our clients and want you to be informed and comfortable about every aspect of your website package.
If you have your domain name and hosting elsewhere — not a problem! We are happy to provide design and set-up OR website maintenance services only; for websites, blogs or social media.